Bar mitzvah photo candids are the best!
Bar mitzvah photo candids are the best! This is a epic image of the bar mitzvah boy with his Mom and Dad on the bema at Mount Zion Temple in St. Paul, MN. I love that the Mom’s kippah has many multicolored hearts on it too! Too funny! Such a juxtaposition between parental love and a child’s wanting to be free! LOL!
As it so happens, this weekend is his sister’s bat mitzvah! Two years later, and here we are. From sibling to sibling. I feel a great sense of pride when I have the opportunity to photograph the family again and again. And I am sure Max will be much taller. That always happens… as his sister Elly steps up to the bema as bat mitzvah this Saturday, May 18th, 2019. Mazel Tov!
Posting this photo reminds me of a great group called FunSimcha. Check out this website for a direct link with more information on bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah photography. The word: Simcha- means Joy! And that’s what I strive to capture at all events.. the joy! And the love!
I will often ask the grandma or grandpa to kiss the bar/bat mitzvah on both cheeks as well. It is always fun to see the reactions and the relationships. I capture real, authentic feelings in my photographs. As one reviewer wrote:
“It never fails to amaze me how Sue captures the essence of the person or the event in her photos. The caring atmosphere of warmth and trust she establishes with her subjects permeates her work.”
I capture those precious candid moments… the relationships between the people you want to remember. Forever. For many more samples of my work, please check out my galleries at Sue Lund Photography.