Photographs that Capture and Re-Live the Moment – Retirement!
Can you feel the JOY and LOVE at this RETIREMENT party? That’s what photography is all about. Capturing that moment.
In this case, Wanda was clearly over joyed at receiving this rather LARGE gift. What fun! You can see it on her face. And you can see the giver of the gift- how happy he was to present it to her.
Because of this photograph, Wanda will have this memory forever. All she has to do is scroll to view 🙂 Or print it out and put it on her mantle, or wall. It’s that easy. Without photographs to capture that moment, where would we be?
Please remember to give me a call BEFORE your next event. I will gladly capture those moments, with joy and love, and at such a reasonable cost that it will surely be worth every penny.
Congrats to Wanda! The Mayor of St. Paul even proclaimed a day in your honor. February 8, 2018 will forever be known as Wanda Kirkpatrick day in the State of Minnesota. It was MY honor to photograph your retirement party. An honor and so much fun. Congratulations!!
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